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Mon to Fri: 9.00am - 7.00pm, Sat to Sun: 9.00am - 5.00pm

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Special Assistance

How we can help to make your journey easier?

If you have any disability, medical need or if you have difficulty moving around you’ll find the information you need here.

We recommend that you always contact us before making a booking to allow us to confirm that all the required arrangements can be made for your selected holiday. If you are unsure as to what may be classed as requiring special assistance, we recommend you download and complete the ABTA checklist which can be found here. This will help us to best advise you on the assistance available for your holiday booking. 

Many overseas accommodation, overseas transport (including transfers) and other holiday services provided overseas aren’t equipped to cater for the needs of disabled holidaymakers. Sometimes, the natural terrain and the layout of resorts can make life difficult for people with mobility difficulties. It’s important if you have any disability, that the suitability of particular accommodation, resorts, transport and services are checked and that you’re completely satisfied you’ve made the right choice before you confirm your holiday.

If you, or anyone on your booking require specific accommodation arrangements or have any other overseas requirements relating to a disability, we recommend that this is processed over the phone via your booking agent. We always recommend you discuss your specific requirements with our team before making a booking.

For any other specific accessibility needs not mentioned above, please ensure you contact us prior to making a booking to allow us to best assist with ensuring your needs are met. You may find the "ABTA checklist for disabled & less mobile passengers" useful for planning your trip - you can download a copy here.

We can’t be held responsible if you don’t tell us about special requirements that will affect your holiday experience.